"I believe in the sun even when it is not shining, in love even when I am alone, in myself even when I fail, and in God even when he is silent."

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christ-Mas Time

Hello Friends,

I know it has been way to long since I have wrote on here. My sister about a week ago told me, that my "fans" were waiting for me to blog again. haha. Of course she is my sister and is being nice but it did make me want to. As I sit here on the couch my husband, Joshua is sitting next to me making fun of everything I am writing. Also, Scruffy is laying here farting. Well I keep getting a wif of something horrible and it is either coming from Scruff or Joshua. Funny story, this is what Joshua just told me....you wanna know a secret? Of course I do, I said. Well maybe I should give some information first. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am crazy protective of Scruffy (our dog). He is like my child no joke. Well we went to Josh's Dad's house on Christmas and Josh asked if he could take Scruffy for a walk in the desert with his Dad and his dogs. I said yes but he had to keep Scruff on the leash. Scruffy is a runner and the last thing I want is on Christmas Day him running away or something worse to happen. Plus, he is little and there are coyotes, snakes and stuff out there. They all went for a walk (his Dad, his Dad's two dogs, Joshua and Scruff) about 45 mins later came back. I asked how Scruff did and Josh said great!......(BIG FAT LIE)
Just now Joshua asked me  if I wanted to know a secret. Maybe something cool at church was going to happen, I thought. I like having the "in." Oh nooo. He just told me that the walk in the desert with Scruffy did not go as planned or like he told me. He took Scruff off the leash to see if he would just walk with the other dogs and he did for a while I guess. Then him and his Dad were talking and looked back and Scruffy was gone. Joshua ran up a big hill to see if he could find him and couldn't. He said he heard coyotes howling and grabbed a stick incase he was going to ninja fight the coyotes. His Dad in the mean time followed the trail back to his house. Dad decided to walk around the neighborhood while Joshua was still running around in the desert with his makeshift ninja sword. Finally, Scruffy was spotted in the yard of a house and his Dad chased him and grabbed him. All of this going on, and I am inside with my Mother in Law thinking things are honky dorray.After some time Joshua and his Dad walk in with Scruff on his leash. Acting like everything is okay. I don't know if I should be more mad at Joshua for lying to me or not doing what I said. I did give him a big fat I told you so!!!! Anyways, I did want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and hope you all had a great time. We did! This was our first Christmas together and boy being married had some challenges. Mostly it was just who's house to go to and when. Both of our parents are split up so we have double of places. It is hard to let people down and know what to do. Of course we want to be with everyone on Christmas but without a teleport machine it makes things hard. We started at my Mom's and spent the night. It was nice even though I felt like I was at the pound. We had our dog Scruffy, my Sister's dog Dos (which is this fat rat thing), my brother's dog Snickers which was about to go in heat so she was whoring it up with the other dogs, and lastly my Mom's dog Dextohh. His name is Dexter but my brother had a hard time saying his r's so we call him Dextohhhhh...Yes! Four dogs. Well 3 that act like dogs. My sister's dog is like a lump of fur that vibrates. We went to church and saw Joshua rock out, he played the snare, and 3 guitars at service. Then had dinner at my Mom's, and a fire in the backyard. He ended the night playing scrabble. Which I came in last place. Joshua won but he was keeping score so take that for what it is worth. In the morning we opened gifts and ate breakfast. We then drove to Joshua's Dad and Step Mom's house in Peoria. We got to see Grandma Betty (Josh's Grandma) and Grandpa Jim and that was great. They live in Prescott but drove down to say hi. We had dinner and opened presents. Of course loosing Scruff was in the middle of that day. I am very blessed to have such great in laws. My Father in Law is a hoot. A big kid! Loves to play music ( I wonder where Josh got that) and video games. He had to show us all of his new video games and have Josh play some. My mother in law in the background was yelling to have him turn them off. It was funny. We ended up staying the night there and finally drove back home today. Now my house looks like a tornado went through it. Presents stashed places, clothes everywhere from our suitcase we packed and left overs we acquired. I am still in a food coma to clean up. I will tomorrow. I am just glad we had a great time and that we still have Scruffy with us. I would of fed Joshua to the coyotes if he did not come back with him. Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Here are some Christmas pictures....
Me and Joshua with my Brother's dog Snickers
My Sister and Mom with their dogs.
My Brother and his new guitar
Sister and her boyfriend Erick