"I believe in the sun even when it is not shining, in love even when I am alone, in myself even when I fail, and in God even when he is silent."

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

When will this end

Wow! It has been awhile since I have "blogged" (that is a word right?) I guess life sneaks up on you and time is non existent.

A lot of changes have happened since my last post. The big one is that we are Pregnant! It kind of bothers me that people say "we" (like I just did) because I know Joshua isn't pregnant. He did help with the process of course but he isn't sick, gaining weight and getting stretch marks. I should get all the credit.

I will tell the story on what happened....one Friday night we were laying in bed. HA! JK. Not that much of the story. hehe. I crack myself up! But seriously, we weren't "trying" to get pregnant. Not that we were doing a great job with preventing it (obviously) I was having these horrible heat flashes. OMGeez they were so annoying and embarassing! So I went to the doctor and told them, I have told them before but they bushed it off and I didn't make it a huge deal so I didn't care enough to pursue any treatment at the time. Well then they got out of hand and I got so sick of them. I went to the doctor and made such a stink about them so they told me all these tests I needed to do. One of the test was some blood work to test hormone levels. My doctor told me to get off birth control for 2 weeks and come do the test because she did not want my birth control to interfere with the results. I did. Then BAM that is how I became pregnant. It is her fault.
I felt a little odd around the middle of December. Something wasn't right. The first person I told was my hair dresser and friend Christina. I just said I felt funny and didn't know what it was. She told me, I have a feeling your are pregnant! I didn't quite buy into it because I was only off birth control for less than 2 weeks and was back on it. Then, around Christmas time I noticed that on my handy dandy phone app that I was a few days late. On December 23rd I went and bought a pregnancy test just to eliminate that idea. Which I honestly thought that there really wasn't a chance I could be. And sure enough that second little pink line shows up and says I am pregnant. I took another one to be sure and yep sure did. I wrapped up my urine soaked test so it looked like a Christmas present and gave it to Joshua. He unwrapped it was shocked, then he tried to wrap it back up....haha. He is so romantic. gag.

SO jump to 6 weeks. We had a doctors appointment and he did an ultrasound and there was our little bean flickering. 110 bpm was he/she's heart rate. We were super excited. They estimated my due date for August 24th. Now I am 16 almost 17 weeks and pregnancy has been a journey to say the least.

I know this sounds horrible but pregnancy sucks. Nothing is great about it, I think. I know I sound harsh. Of course creating a life and a baby in the end is worth it but going through the process has been horrible for me. I have been really sick. Throwing up and getting narley headaches. Everyone told me when I hit the 2nd trimester it will be so much better. Well I am here in my 2nd trimester and nope not yet. It is still awful. My mom tricked me! She told me she had great pregnancies and never felt better when she was pregnant. I guess since she is my mom that I would be the same. Too be honest it has gotten a little better in my 2nd trimester but that doesn't mean much. I throw up once a day rather than 3 times a day maybe. But I do get my good and bad days. The great news is that my boobs are rather huge. Which I was more excited then Joshua was when I told him. I was with my bestfriend at Victoria's Secret and when they measured me, I called Joshua and said, guess what I am!!! He just said, ok honey that is great. Gotta go back to work. Love you, bye. Not quite the reaction I was looking for but oh well.

We find out the sex of the baby on March 28th. I am secretly hoping for a boy but have a gut feeling it is a girl. Either way it will be fine. As long as its healthy and human right? We do have two names picked out so we are all set there. I have gained about 5 lbs so far. I was a little worried because I lost weight for awhile but the doctor does not seem too concerned. I am finally at the stage where at work customers are asking if I am expecting for not. I just think I look like I need to lay off the beer and hit the gym. I have teased a few customers by saying I am not pregnant which then they get so flustered and embarrassed they asked if I was! haha. Then I say jk I am!

I apologize if I don't sound very excited. I am, it has been exhausting going through the sickness of pregnancy. I know when I finally meet our baby then all of this will not matter. I just ask for continue prayers for us, my crazy hormones and most importantly a healthy child.

I am planning on using this blog to track my pregnancy. I think it would be neat to write about my pregnancy and to look back on it.

Also big news too is that we celebrated our 1 year on March 4th. I can't believe it has been a year already! I am seriously so blessed to have an amazing husband. Thank you Lord for providing the perfect husband for me. I just love him more and more every day. He also drives me more and more crazy everyday but he is worth it.
Here are some pictures of our trip to Prescott to celebrate our One Year Anniversary.

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