"I believe in the sun even when it is not shining, in love even when I am alone, in myself even when I fail, and in God even when he is silent."

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Answered Prayers

Do you feel that God uses you? I do sometimes but not very often. I always wrestled with the idea that God choose me to make a difference. Sometimes I have doubt that I'm even making a differences. I feel so unworthy. It is surreal to me to think that God has specific things for me to do. He must care a lot about me, right? He does and I know but somedays I feel like I am not good enough. Especially because I am far from perfect. I have fallen many times in my faith. But I know God was always there to pick me up, dust me off and told me to try again.

Something happened today that blew my mind. Who would of thought that God would use my mistakes for his Glory. That the knowledge I did gain from my mistake helped a complete stranger. I helped saved her life. Wow. 

If you read my blog you will know (a couple blogs back) that I was once Mormon. After I researched the religion and the doubt I had, I eventually left. I had to write the Church 3 letters just to get my name off the records. I did not want any ties to the church at all. About 2 weeks ago, I wrote something on my friend Stephanie's facebook. She posted a video on how Mormons are Christian. I saw some of the responses and I wanted to chime in. I like a healthy debate, I wasn't trying to offend anyone. Most of the people were Mormon commenting on the post so I thought it would be a good idea to get another faith's idea. I did not know by doing this, it would open up a can of worms. I had many people asking me questions on how and why I left their church. During this time, this girl someone I have never met messaged me and said: 

"Hi my name is (blank) and what you said on Stephanie's page really made me think about a decision I am about to make. I wanted to know if you could talk to me about your experience. I am currently dating a Mormon guy and am about to get baptized as a Mormon. I just want to make sure this is the true church and I am making the right decision. Thanks. "

Holy crap!! She is coming to me? Wow. I sat their looking at the message and started praying. This is an answer to prayer for me. I always wanted to be used in this area but did not know how. I got worried bc I did not want to screw this up. She was exactly in my situation 4 years ago. I knew the first thing I had to do was get a prayer army. I told my close friends, my family and a few people at my church. I told them the situation and to pray for her and me. I just wanted to say the right thing and show her love in any decision she will eventually make. I did not want to make her feel like I was judging her or coming off too strong. We ended up writing back and forth. I sent her some papers I had and told her my story. Then a week goes by and no word from her. My heart sank because maybe she made up her mind and did not want to tell me. I kept thinking about her and praying for her.

Well, I wake up today and look at my phone and it says I have a new message It was from her!!
This is what she says,

"Hey girl, just wanted to say thank you. Truly, it took me a couple weeks to read what you sent me and to understand the walls I was building between me and the lord. I loved this man, I broke it off yesterday. One of the hardest relationship ends I've had. He was perfect but oh so lost and I couldn't follow into his world. The LDS world seems to perfect so fun so loving but they are lost it's hard for me to say this because a piece of me wants to say it's all-true and to be one of them but I would be lying to myself. All this to say you are an-answer to my parents and many of my friends prayers. Thank you fir taking the time to reach out to me. I hope someday we can meet!"

I teared up!! What an answer to prayer!! God can use your mistakes like he did mine and he did it right in front of my face! God can move mountains and I am so blessed to be apart of God's work. I hope this encourages everyone. God can use you! Let's be messengers of Christ. No matter what situation you are in, we all have a part in God's work, we just need to act.

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